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Праздник Пасхи
[ Скачать с сервера (88.2 Kb) ] 25.10.2012, 23:11
Merry Easter!
(звучит музыка, выходят ведущие)
I.    Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
II.    Easter comes but once a year
But when it does, we all know it’s here!
I.    Welcome to our merry Easter party!
II.    Easter is a festival that occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
I.    So many countries, so many customs. Every country has its Easter traditions. The Russian Easter is celebrated on the 15 of April, while the British is celebrated on the 8 of April this year.
II.    Let’s congratulate each other on this holiday and make up the        " HAPPY EASTER” as soon as possible. (командам раздаются карточки с буквами и они должны как можно быстрее собрать " HAPPY EASTER” , помощники поднимают руки, как только их команды справились с заданием).
I.    We’ll  go on our contest with the most important  information . This information is about THE MOST POPULAR Easter traditions in Britain. Well, who is the first? The team from School #7 in Yelizovo is the first, School #9 is the second, School from Pionersky is the third and School from Koryaky is the fourth.
(школы по очереди рассказывают о 5 традициях английской пасхи) (Если им нужно время на подготовку, играем с болельщиками)(животные в мешке- символы Пасхи в Британии- на ощупь определяют и называют это животное по- английски).
II.    Well done! Now, look at the symbols on the pictures on your tables and find which of them are not Easter symbols. Who can do it quicker?
I.    (надевает на руку игрушку- кролика) Now, everybody knows that Easter Bunny is to Easter what Santa Claus is to Christmas. Long ago in Germany there lived an old woman who loved children. Each year she gave children presents to celebrate spring. But one year she had nothing to give because it was a bad year and she had become very poor. All she had were some eggs. So she coloured the eggs and hid them in the grass. When the children arrived, she told them to run out into the yard to find their presents there. Just as one of the children uncovered the eggs, a large rabbit hopped away. So the children thought that the rabbit had left the eggs for them. And ever since children have searched for the eggs left by the Easter rabbit on Easter morning. It is called the Easter egg hunt. Easter Rabbits?! Where are you? You are invited to participate in EASTER RABBITTS FASHION SHOW!
( Кролики выходят под музыку «Я- шоколадный заяц»)
    Will you march round the hall and demonstrate your costumes?
II.    Here, in this basket you see some eggs. How many, do you think? The winner is whose number is the near(показываете корзину с яйцами, просите назвать число по- английски).
The winner is… ! The second is……! The third is….! And the fourth  is…!
And it’s time to start our egg hunt! Вам даны схемы и указаны направления, по которым вы должны найти спрятанные яйца.Квадраты, где спрятаны яйца, необходимо закрасить фломастером. Сделать это нужно как можно быстрее и сдать жюри. На старт, внимание, марш!  Ready, steady, Go!
I.    Do you know the song about one more Easter symbol- HOT CROSS BUNS? You were given out the lyrics of this song . Let’s sing it together!
( вместе с детьми поете песню про булочки с крестом).   Your home assignment was to tell the story of hot cross buns. The first is Scholl from Koryaky, the second - team from Pionersky, the third- School #9 and the fourth- School #7 from Yelizovo.
(команды показывают инсценированные истории булочек с крестом)
II.    And now it’s time to remember Russian Easter traditions.  It is common in Russia to dye , give each other eggs and beat them to know whose egg is harder. Grannies and Mums traditionally bake kulich and decorate it . Whose kulich tastes better and whose egg is harder, we will learn now.
I. Пора вспомнить о праздновании и традициях русской пасхи. В России яйца красят, дарят друг другу как символ_______________, а также традиционно бьютс яйцами, чтобы узнать, у кого крепче- своего рода русская забава. Пока команды выбирают самое крепкое яйцо , жюри оценивает, чей кулич вкуснее.

Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: ValentinaKom
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